Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chip off the old block

My email from BabyCenter this week had a little blurb about toys that were appropriate for a six month old. Among the items listed were blocks. After reading this, I went into the other room and fetched the wooden blocks that I've had put away for almost a year now. I dumped them all out on the floor in front of the baby, and within minutes, he had done this:

He's just as surprised as you are!
ha ha ha ha ha... Just kidding. This is what he REALLY did:

Which apparently he thought was pretty dang funny. I was trying to get a photo of him playing with them but low light and a moving target does not a good photo make! So, just messing around, I reached over and grabbed this:

Which he then proceeded to model a la Michael Jordan. You know, if Michael Jordan ran around in a sombrero and bib.


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