Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Six Months

That's right - we've had this baby for half a year already. Isn't that insane? It feels like it went by so fast, but at the same time, it's like he's been around forever and always was a part of our family.

I sure do like him!

These are our photos from the weekend. Bubba's lazy mom hasn't bothered to edit them yet, so please excuse the bad backgrounds. Photoshop hides many a bad photographer's sin.

Like when she gets her pants in the picture, let's say.

It was really hard to get these benchmark photos this month. The child is wiggly as all get out! These were the best two, but they don't really show how long he's gotten. He had his six month check up with the pediatrician today. He is up to 15 lb, 10 oz, and is 25 1/2 inches long. He's dropped a bit to the 15th percentile for height, weight, and head size, which is cool - his parents aren't all that big either. He looks healthy, and that's what matters!

The doctor (who I still want to refer to as the vet, duh) cleared him for more solids, including combinations of foods, and wants him to start drinking water from a sippy cup. AH! My baby is getting big!

He had his first tooth (I like to call it Chomper) break through last Friday, and the one next to it is on it's way. He is pushing himself up onto his hands and knees now and will stay there for a bit before laying back down on his belly. He's definitely more chatty than ever. We've switched to gDiapers full time now. We use reusable cloth inserts while at home, and the flushable inserts (which, to be honest, I'm not brave enough to try flushing) when out and about. The best of both worlds!

We had a week there where he was waking up at midnight in addition to the 5 am wakeup he normally has, but now he's back on his 10:00 or 11:00 - 8:30 or 9:00 with a 5 am feeding schedule. We've had a few people comment that we have him up late, but I'd rather have him up when I'm up and him sleeping when I'm sleeping! I have no issues with not having to get up at 6:30 in the morning, that's for certain. Every so often, we'll have a nap together in our bed. I don't want him to get used to sleeping there, but with the way he rolls over and falls asleep almost instantly, it's terribly tempting sometimes.

Besides - there's something soothing about snuggling with the little man as we both drift off to sleep together. :)

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