Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two Grocery Stores and a Baby

I went to Whole Foods a few days ago because I needed oatmeal. I like to buy it there because they have organic oats in their bulk bins and it's seriously1/3 of the price of buying it in the cereal aisle. Besides, I'm not wasting packaging buying it that way - I just put it into one of those glass jars from Ikea and it looks really pretty on my kitchen counter.

When I go to the grocery store, I like to put the baby into the Hotsling. This gives me two free hands with which to push a cart or carry a basket, and he still gets to look around at everything. If I stick him in the stroller it's impossible to push a cart at the same time.

As I was walking into the store, I was stopped by a guy who wanted to know about my sling. He asked me how I liked this particular style. I told him it was great - very comfortable, and the baby liked it too. I mentioned that I had the Baby Bjorn-style carrier, but I stopped using it because it hurt my back and neck. He totally finished my sentence for me too. It was funny. He said that's why he was asking - he wanted a new option. I told him that I really liked this one because it was simple - no rings or yards of fabric to tie or to worry about coming undone. Just one loop of fabric that folded pretty small and tucked inside my diaper bag rather neatly. He asked if I had bought it there at Whole Foods. I told him no, but he could order one online. He thanked me for my time and being nice enough to answer his questions, and I went into the store feeling like I was kinda cool.

LOL! The things that make my day now, I tell ya!

Then, a day or two later, I had to run to Safeway for a couple of things that I forgot to get on my big grocery shopping trip. As I was perusing the different brands of chicken bouillon they carried, one of the employees came up to me and said, "He is NOT staying in there." I had no idea what the heck she was talking about! I had just realized she was looking at the baby, when she looked up and asked, "HOW is he staying in there? That thing can't be keeping him in there!" I assured her that it was and then had to go on to assure her that it was secure, and perfectly safe. I even held my hands up in the air while I gave a little bounce to demonstrate. She asked if he was comfortable and I told her that I assumed he was because he didn't fuss while in there. She stood there staring at him for a bit, which was kind of awkward, and then she walked away muttering about how they didn't have have those things when she had her kids.

Ah, demographics.


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