Saturday, March 14, 2009

Today recap

You know how sometimes, you get to the end of the day and you're so flipping exhausted but you can't figure out why because you feel like you accomplished NOTHING at all? That's how I felt today - to the point where I actually passed out when I set the baby down for a nap at 6:00 and slept until 8:30. I was thinking, Why the Heck am I so Tired???

Then I got out my camera to upload some photos, and this is what I found:

I realized that I didn't really have any photos with the baby. I have pictures of my husband with the baby, and the baby by himself, but the few of us together are REALLY crappy and I look like heck. All the moms in my mom group have cute pictures of themselves with their kids, and I don't. I felt like I needed to remedy this situation, so, today I hung up my shower curtain as a backdrop in my bathroom and took some portraits using the self timer on the camera. This was the only decent shot. Someone was in a REALLY cranky mood this afternoon!

And yes, his collar is popped. I felt like that went well with my pearls. ;)

Okay, technically this one happened last night, but I've been happy about it all day - not only did I find my engagement ring, it fits again! I had to take it off BEFORE I got pregnant because I had gained so much weight it was cutting into my finger. How pathetic is that? I thought I put it with the rest of my jewelry, but when I went to look for it a couple of months ago it was nowhere to be found. I was really upset by this, as I'm sure you can guess.
Well, I've been deep cleaning and reorganizing my bathroom little by little all week. I had these cute pink votive holders on a shelf in there and when I took them down to wash them, there was my ring inside of one! It had the thickest layer of dust on it - so gross. I cleaned it and slipped it on. Perfect fit. :)

There has been a small stack of Christmas presents sitting in my living room, well, since Christmas. Shameful, I know. I sold most of my maternity clothes on ebay, so I had to take those packages to the post office anyway. When we left the post office (which is less than a mile from home, by the way), the baby was awake and playing with his giraffe. When I got home, this is how I found him in the backseat - passed out with one giraffe foot still stuck in his mouth. Poor kid passed out mid-gnaw!

I got another request for one of these baby peapod things. This is the yarn she picked out - isn't it pretty? I finished it this morning. That got put into the mail today as well.

I just realized I'm totally posting these in backwards order of how they happened. Ah well, I'm too lazy to go fix it, so we'll call it a "rewind" instead of a "recap", how's that? This morning I sat the baby on the dining room table and attempted to take his picture. I actually managed to capture an almost smile here!
So no wonder I got worn out! This doesn't even account for the bottle washing, or the pumping, or the diaper changing, or the baby bathing, or the mom showering, or the hair styling (I blew it dry with a round brush today instead of flat ironing it... kinda like it), or the baby entertaining... PHEW!


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