Saturday, February 14, 2009

Aren't they sweet?

Bubba's modeling one of my latest embroidery projects here.

He did NOT want to hold that paper heart. He was having none of that nonsense!

My two favorite guys. Even though we were in the shade with a whole freaking BUILDING blocking the sun, Someone (coughcoughhusbandcough) could not stop squinting.

I wanted a cute photo of the three of us together. This was the best one. Seriously.

Bubba in the sky (no diamonds)!

I finally got him to stop squinting but then he started making silly faces. Again, the best of many attempts.

Me and my rogue gray hair.

I realized that I hadn't taken any photos of just me and the baby, so I handed the camera to my husband. As soon as I sat down, this is what happened, much to my husband's amusement. It's been a while since he spit up that much! Usually it's just a little dribble. Very gross, and an immediate end to our photo session.



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