Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our Son

He's gonna be a hellraiser.

Can you believe this child? I totally didn't notice either until I put the memory card into the computer to look at the photos. I was more interested in what he's doing with the toy:

HE'S HOLDING IT!!! And he's sticking it into his mouth! By himself!!!

I know in a couple of months I'll rue being excited about him sticking stuff in his mouth, but right now, this is pretty dang cool. I've been putting various toys in his hand to see if he would hold them, but he's always dropped them before. On a good day, a rattle would be shaken once or twice in a random manner before being flung in an even more random direction.

Last night I had my husband pull out the feeding table we bought the baby early last year. It was the first baby item that we actually bouught, and it's been sitting in storage... waiting. Since Bubba can hold up his head relatively well now, we decided to see how he would do in it. The verdict: He loved it! He sat in there and just looked around and chattered for a good half hour today. He did it again while we were eating dinner too.

You know what this means? FREE HANDS. Two of them!
I put some toys on there, just in case he wants to swat at something. I also talk to him the whole time, since it's something new and I want it to be a positive experience. I just can't believe how fast he's getting to all these things. It's amazing.

Here's a super blurry shot of him right before we left the house this evening:

Earflaps. Gotta love it!



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