Friday, December 26, 2008

White Christmas?

More like WET Christmas! It rained all day today. That's fine with me, since I love rainy days. It was like a bonus present from the universe!

So this was Bubba's first Christmas. It's kind of anti-climactic when your kiddo is just two months old. As you can see above, he definitely is a fan of the tree, but beyond that, there's nothing for him to get. Although we bought him a stocking, we didn't put anything into the stocking. Heck, we didn't even get him any presents!

I have to tell you, there was a part of me that really felt bad about that. I mean, it's my son's first Christmas and we didn't get him a single gift! Will he ask about that in the future? Is that a detail I should include on the scrapbook page? We talked about it, and my husband and I decided that he's a two month old, and honestly, there's nothing he needs and he's too little to want anything beyond a bottle and a nap. Also, we just don't have the room to store unnecessary stuff in this apartment. The toys he has he doesn't play with yet, because he's too little, so why add more just for the sake of adding more, you know?

In the end, practicality won out.

He did receive some gifts in the mail though. There were some cute outfits from Grandma. He got a really cool board book with tactile pictures from the family who recieved my last breastmilk donation. (If we're going to have a lot of any item in this house, it will be books!) His Uncle Don and Aunt Nancy sent a really cute bath set with an awesome hooded towel. He's just about outgrown the one we've been using, so this is perfect! Oh, and there was a wooden counting and stacking toy that Grandma sent too. It's exactly the sort of thing I would have bought for him.

On another note, you want to know what I'm totally amused by lately?

Baby toe jam. Gross, huh? But I love it. He always has something between his toes, unless he's just had a bath. Today it was red lint from his red socks. I like to pick it out, then kiss his little piggies. I noticed the other day that his ankles are more defined (before it was just a slope from his calves to his heel) and you can see where his arches are going to be. Those feet were pretty flat before!

I don't have a picture of it, but he gets junk between his fingers too. Silly baby.



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