Sunday, December 7, 2008

For the record

I am not the only one who dresses the baby for my own personal amusement.

I was doing my hair so that we could go out and do a little shopping (Babies R Us and an exchange at the mall - WOO!) when I heard my husband cackling behind me in the bedroom. I turn around and he's coming toward me carrying one seriously cute baby, who was now sporting shades.

We found these at Nordstrom pretty cheap while I was pregnant, and my husband had to get them. They've been sitting in a drawer because they're too big. Actually, they're still a little bit too big, but close enough to where we got a good ten minutes of amusement out of them.

And go figure - little man liked them, didn't fuss or cry, and didn't try to shake them off his head.

(All photos are all blurry because that melon is in CONSTANT motion in this position. He can hold it up, just not steady.)



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