Thursday, December 4, 2008

Poor Baby.

His mama dresses him funny.

It was pretty dang cold in here this morning, so I decided it was time to bust out the stupid hat collection. This monkey hat is a perfect fit!

He was in a pretty agreeable mood all morning, but then the grumpies set in big time and we've been rotating between crying/screaming and short naps for about 5-10 minutes each all day. Lately he's been opposed to sleeping in his crib. You put him in there, and he'll sleep maybe fifteen minutes if you're lucky. Then he's up and screaming at you. But prop him up in the Boppy on the couch? He'll sleep for hours that way.
No more, little man. This is a battle of wills, and they say any bad habit can be broken in three days. You will be sleeping in that crib! This is the moratorium on couch/Boppy sleeping. Lord, grant me strength!
I decided to give him a bath after a particularly bad diaper, and in hopes that it would help lull him to sleep. As I was dressing him, I came across this outfit:

Bad photo, I know, but he was all sorts of uncooperative, as you can imagine after a day of no sleep. I really think the red socks finish it off nicely, don't you? Oh, and the best part?

This is his cute little behind! HA!



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