Newborn portraits
I was puttering around today and came across an envelope containing Bubba's hospital portraits. I realized that I never posted them, so I balanced the boy on one knee and got to work scanning them.Most hospitals give you the option of getting newborn portraits done before you leave. Since we ourselves were newborns these photos have been of a baby lying flat on it's back on top of some pastel background. Although I knew that these photos were a racket (hello overpricing!) I also knew we'd pay for them.
Hey - this is our first, and most likely only, child and it's tradition!
So, on our fourth day in the hospital, we dressed up the baby in the outfit we selected expressly for this purpose. We loaded him into the wheely bassinette, and headed down the hall. While he looked precious, I can't say the same held true for his parents. His dad was all grizzly from not shaving and had some seriously scary hair under his ball cap. I looked not unlike a poop sammich. No matter though, I assured my husband. These are going to be photos of the baby!

Needless to say, none of those got ordered. Just the previous two poses. While I do want to do all the fun baby and kid stuff, I don't see the need to buy sheets and sheets of photos to either give to people who will just toss them out, or to keep forgotton in a box somewhere.
Labels: 1st Year
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