Thursday, December 18, 2008

Two Months

Bubba is celebrating his two month birthday today, along with his dad who is 35 today.

Happy Birthday to my two favorite guys!

Someone did not feel up to being still enough for a clear photo, so this month is a bit blurry. Since he is a lot more wiggly this past month, I guess it's actually very appropriate.

He had his two month pediatrician visit today. He got one oral vaccination, which he did not care for as much as he did for the baby Tylenol we gave him beforehand (I was so worried that was going to be a mess, but it was okay), and four shots. Holy crap was that hard to watch! He definitely got lots of love and kisses afterwards.

Things are definitely getting better around here. I wouldn't say they're easy, by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm having more days where I don't get to the end and feel like a total failure at this baby thing. I have more confidence in what I'm doing and we're getting settled into our routine.

Of course, this doesn't mean that I get to shower on a regular basis, or that I don't have meltdown moments anymore. I'm still tired a lot of the time, but I'm adapting to our new life. I think we're doing pretty dang good here too. Everytime we go somewhere, people comment on how good and well rested we look. I've also realized that I'm going to end this year lighter than I started it, in spite of getting pregnant and having a baby. Sure, it's only a few pounds lighter (3-5) but I'll take it, especially knowing what a struggle it is for most women to lose baby weight.

Little man is growing too. He's growing physically - he's up to eleven pounds, two ounces. He's also grown a little over two inches in length over the past month. He's outgrown a few items of clothing and some hats already. We need to move the straps in the carseat up to the next notch. He's gone up a size in diapers. I found some newborn diapers in my husband's diaper bag (we each have our own) and they looked ridiculously tiny on him.
He's also growing in other ways. He's noticing his surroundings. He can follow moving objects with his eyes. He has started to babble at stuff. He can be set down or left in his crib for longer periods of time without totally freaking out. Last night, I laid him on the Boppy in front of the tree. I was able to read him a story and then look at the last half of Parent's magazine without him getting tired and mad. This morning, he laid in his crib babbling at the mobile (which wasn't even on!) while we got ready to take him to his appointment. He stayed awake during the whole ride into Phoenix to go to the cake supply store, and didn't fuss once.
He's pretty dang amazing. Happy two months, little man!

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