Wednesday, February 4, 2009

On the roll again

I posted a few weeks ago about Bubba rolling over for the first time. He rolled over, I screamed, grabbed the camera, and convinced him to do it again. Then, he did it one more time for his dad the next day. All three rolls were in the same direction - to the left. He didn't do it again after that.

Until the night before last. I was sitting on the floor having a little tummy time (and watching something on TV) when I felt him bump my leg. I looked down and he was on his side, so I scooted over so he could finish his roll. He did it! That time, he rolled to the right. We decided later that he was stretching to try and watch TV too, and that's probably what got him started.

He is his father's child!

Last night, I woke up to a crying baby at about 2:30. I'm not talking "I just woke up and I'm a little cranky" crying, I'm talking full blown freak out crying. I jumped up and ran to the crib (a full four paces from my bed) where I discovered one upside down, pressed against the bars of the crib, still tightly swaddled baby. I have no idea how the heck he managed to roll himself over while still swaddled, but he was NOT happy about the whole situation. So now we can add the back to stomach roll to his repetoire.

Here are a few random photos that I never got around to posting before:

All bundled up on Super Bowl Sunday.

Playing peek a boo after a bath.

Out on a walk.

My handsome little man. I was playing with a hand mirror on the bed in a dim room (the sun was going down) to get the lighting effect. As you can see, my vain child was trying to check himself out in that mirror.
Silly baby.

I bought some plain white bibs yesterday to embroider. I already finished the first one. It's my take on that classic heart/mom tattoo. Next I'm doing a cassette tape that will say "Bubba Rocks", and then maybe a sushi one. I'll post them when I'm through.

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