Friday, February 20, 2009

First "Solids"

I posted on Wednesday about how the baby had been cleared to start solids. I think it's funny that they call it that, because "runny mush" isn't really all that solid, if you ask me! The pediatrician said to start with just one tablespoon of rice cereal mixed with enough milk to make it a thin consistency. I was thinking, "Wow, that's not very much!". Well, it turns out it's actually quite a bit, especially for a first attempt.

(not happy, unwilling to hold still for the camera baby)

Let's just say it didn't go well and most of that got washed down the drain. I ended up with one bucking, head swiveling, lip clamping shut, irritated baby. It's interesting how the child wants to stick EVERYTHING in his mouth, except of course, a spoon with rice cereal on the end of it!

So, the next day, we had "spoon practice."

I gave him the spoon and just let him play with it. Eventually, it ended up here:

(wiggly baby)

Success! I'd also take the spoon, wave it around so he would look at the thing, and then stick it into his mouth. Then I'd cheer and make a fuss. Eventually, we got to the point where he would actually open his mouth for it. Hooray! I was sure that day's attempt would be WAY smoother. He was opening his mouth! He was letting me stick the spoon in there! WOOT!

And then it came time to feed him and those little lips were clamped shut tighter than Fort Knox. *sigh* I got ONE good spoonfull in there though, which is one more than the night before, and in my book, that's PROGRESS, BABY! Yeah!

Let's see how tonight's attempt goes.

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At February 21, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like he's not ready. No need to force him; it'll come in time. By 6 months, I'm sure he'll be the one grabbing the spoon from your hand. :)


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