Thursday, March 19, 2009

Five Months

Can you believe it? I can't. Everyone tells you that it goes by SO FAST, but that's hard to believe when you are sleep deprived and feel like an incompetent idiot those first few weeks. It seriously does not feel like it's been almost half a year since Bubba joined us, but it has! Here's his benchmark photo for this month:

He was all smiles today for the camera, which is not something that usually happens. The usual routine is as follows: baby smiles, mom gets the camera, baby sees the camera, baby stops smiling, mom gets a bunch of photos of a serious baby.

Not today! WHOO!
I love love love this photo. This one shows his personality, I think. Check him out posing and everything!
More smiles for the camera. One drawback though - a smiley baby is a more wiggly, and therefore more blurry, baby.

Thank goodness for digital cameras, right?

More posing for the camera.

Each time I try sitting him up, he seems to be able to hold it for a little bit longer. It's so cool to see how he's learning and adapting.

SO stinking cute!

I tried to take a few of him sitting in this chair, but he realized that he was by the window and kept craning his neck around trying to look outside.
Right now, he's asleep on the living room floor with his dad. I was playing with him on a blanket, and I wrapped my arm around him to give him a snuggle. Next thing I know, we're BOTH asleep! HA! If only he could always sleep unswaddled like this. I think it's cute that he's a side sleeper when he's left to his own devices. He's so sweet.

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At March 20, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Blogger Kim Abbott said...

He is soooo cute, I love all the pics!


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