Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bunny Blues

Yesterday, I had the brilliant idea of taking the baby to the park to get some photos of him dressed up for Easter. I had some bunny ears that I bought for the dogs last year lying around. I had pulled the ends of the headband into a circle and clipped them together with a binder clip to make them fit little dog heads and ended up leaving them like that. As a result, when I pulled the clip off yesterday, a whole year later, the headband stayed in that new, smaller shape and fit the baby's head perfectly.

I am an accidental genius.

Unfortunately, that's where my genius ends. I was going to sit him in this huge basket that someone gave me last fall, but it turns out, he's too big to fit inside now. I had also planned on buying some plastic Easter eggs to use as props, but I forgot. Then, as icing on the cake, my child decided that he just was not in the mood to take photos, so THERE.

As my husband would say, IN YOUR FACE, MOM!!!

Oh, and then there was the newfound love of his top lip. He's sucking it constantly lately. It's VERY loud sometimes, and occasionally you'll notice it's all red. Kind of makes it hard to take a decent photo.

He also decided that looking up was too much work as well.

Isn't that pretty much the scowliest Easter Bunny you've ever seen?

After a few minutes, the crying started. Maybe he's crying because his basket is empty. I didn't buy anything to fill it because HE was supposed to go inside!

My husband had the brilliant idea to put the spare bib (we always carry a backup, as the drool is out of control these days) on the baby. I didn't get it, until I saw which one he brought.

Then it was off to try and get some shots of us together, as I still don't have very many. If only my jawline could always look like that!

This turned out to be the best one. There's that lip again!

My husband mocking the baby.

This kid seriously has the best DANG-are-you-stupid!!! looks. I am the recipient quite often.

We tried again with the basket, but had no more luck than the first time.

One more with mom.

I like this one. I plan to Photoshop out my shadow and the strap of my husband's backpack.

FINALLY a smile!!!

He's so stinking cute, I swear.

We decided to try to get a couple of shots on the playground equipment, since it wasn't being used at the time, but that only served to bring about the return of the DANG-are-you-stupid!!! look. Ah well.



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