Just a few photos to get everyone caught up on what's happening in the Casa de F!I had noticed and mentioned to my husband the night before that I could feel two bumps on his bottom gums that weren't there before. Since he started the drooling at two months, we check his gums periodically, which is how I knew they felt different. She told me to rub them, so I did, and he stopped fussing. BINGO!
Unfortunately, that only lasted a few minutes before he started to get cranky again. They told me to give him a half dose of Tylenol (luckily I carry it in my diaper bag) and one of the other moms lent me some liquid baby Orajel. I just put a drop on my finger, rubbed it on the front of his gums, and presto! He not only stopped fussing, he fell asleep!
So, it looks like Bubba is officially teething now. I went out and bought my own liquid Orajel. Hopefully it's not too rough around here the next couple of months.
Well, since I don't go to the Little Gym, and I'm not exactly ready to try to talk someone into selling me their equipment, I thought for a bit and remembered that we have a Lakeshore Learning Store right next to Babies R Us. Since I needed some gDiaper refills, it was no big deal to stop in and see what they had.
Here's a better picture of what we got that I found online. These are designed for classroom use which means that they are STURDY. I paid $3.75 for them (which makes them cheaper than a lot of baby toys) and they should last a really long time. Bubba loves them - I think because they are noisy. He played with them in the car all the way home. My husband said it sounded like Christmas!

Then there was this morning's discovery. My son likes to watch himself in the webcam. Vain little booger! At least, I think he's watching himself. Maybe he's watching the blue light for the camera. Either way, it was kind of amusing to me.
I'm gonna go eat a cupcake now. :)
Labels: 1st Year, milestones, shopping
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