Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Don't You?

Today I told the baby that it was high time he started to pull his own weight around here, and that he needed to go out and get a job.

Here he is doing his best cubicle monkey impersonation. Cute, n'est ce pas?

We went to visit my husband at work today, so that he could show off Bubba to his coworkers. The people on his team hadn't seen him since the beginning of December, and a lot of people there had only seen the photos he posts on the outside of his cubicle. To say that the little man was a hit would be an understatement. A good portion of the folks there crowded around the cubicle and were admiring him. Most popular points of note: his cheeks, his eyelashes, and the fact that he showed no desire to remove his hat. You should have heard the chorus of "awwww"s when I put the sunglasses on him, hee hee!


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