Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Swim

Now that the temperatures here are over 100 degrees every day, we decided that it was time to take Bubba for his first dip in the pool. At our apartment complex there are three pools - two regular ones, and a small, 3 foot deep "baby" pool. We opted to use the latter since this one is the closest to our apartment.

We were all prepared - baby swim diaper, teeny swim trunks, hooded froggy towel.

He got in with dad first. He wasn't too sure what to make of this cold water! It was overcast by the time we got out there, but still pretty warm outside so I wasn't overly concerned. Also, it was starting to get dark, hence the dim photos.

He fussed a little right at first, but didn't cry at all. After a few minutes, he started to get used to the water and even splashed around with his hands for a bit. We took turns carrying him around and lying him on his back.

After about fifteen minutes his teeth started chattering and his lips got a slight bluish tinge to them, so we got out. Dad stayed in for a bit longer while Bubba and I hung out on the lounge chairs.

Check out those cute, pruney baby toes!

It went very well for a first pool outing, I think!

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At May 18, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is so cute! I love wrinkly baby toes!!

At June 2, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Blogger mademoisellechitchat said...

All of these pictures are cute!!! Indeed, he is getting long!


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