Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gym Rat Bubba

On Sunday, Bubba went to the birthday party of one of his buddies from playgroup. Of course, we all slept in and then I realized I forgot to make a card for our gift, so I made this:

Not bad for the last minute, eh? I have a crapload of these security envelopes so I lined it with a piece of patterned paper to hide the ugly blue lines. The whole thing, minus the card base, is from scraps. Kick butt.

The party was held at a place called The Little Gym. Those babies LOVED it! There was so much to do, it could make a kid get a little loopy, you know?

Yeah. That's my kid there with the birthday boy. Silly baby!

He's really into pointing at things now. Here, he was pointing at his dad, who was standing behind me.

They had rhythm sticks there:

And sheer scarves:

They had wide, soft ramps for climbing:

This big wheel/donut thing that was great for hiding, or for laying inside while someone rolled it:

Balance beams for cruising if you were too little to balance on them still:

Soft stairs for climbing:

Bubba had never been on stairs before, but he climbed right up these like he'd been doing it his whole life!

They had a lot of different balls:

A giant inflatable mattress for bouncing which Bubba did NOT fully trust, as evidenced by how hard he's clinging to his dad:

More balls and bubbles!

That baby was so sacked out by the time we left, we hadn't even started the car and he was asleep! Of course, that little car ride home was all he needed for a recharge because when we got home he was ready to go again. He was able to practically apply what he learned at the Gym here at home almost right away.

Yeah... Steven Spielberg I am not. Sorry for the camera shakiness, and please ignore my unkempt little dog's cameo there!



At September 1, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Blogger The Griegers said...

Oh my goodness I can't believe he can climb onto the sofa! You've got your work cut out for you girl!

At September 1, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Blogger Jessica Stoker said...

That place looks awesome. We need to have a meetup there.


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