Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bubba Crawled!!!

Today we attended a potluck with one of our playgroups. Most of the other moms and babies had left and a few of us were hanging out chatting when I noticed that my son, who had just moments before been in the middle of the rug, was now at the edge of the rug! I said hey look - he's moving! One of the other moms asked me when he had started to crawl. I was like, um, about thirty seconds ago?

She laughed and said I bet if we take his overalls off (gosh I'm a sucker for little kids in overalls!) he will just go. So, we peeled them off and set him back in the middle of the rug. Luckily, I am rarely found without my camera in my bag, so I was able to catch video of him trying to get over to the ball.

It's not the most stylish or coordinated crawl, but it's a crawl, dang it! Bubba is now mobile!!!

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At July 15, 2009 at 8:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yah! Gabriella was doing really good and then she started doing this super dangerous flying monkey type leap through the air. She lands on her face every single time! I long for the days she could only roll over!

At July 15, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Blogger Jessica Stoker said...

So exciting! He must have just decided that he can get what he wants on his own. No need for mom now, lol.


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