Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hello, carbs!

Bubba is pleased to make your aquaintance!

I was trying to decide what Bubba's next new food was going to be when I came across
this. My Baby center emails had said that I could start feeding him small finger foods and slightly chunkier purees, but truth be told, I'm kind of scared. I gave him a small piece of mushy banana once and he started gagging on it and making choking sounds until I stuck my finger in his mouth and pulled it out.


Anyway, the website said that I could start mixing small pasta into his purees, so when I found this pastina, I was excited. It's perfect. It's tiny, like couscous, and cooks in a very similar way. We gave him a little mixed with acorn squash and carrots and he seemed to enjoy it.

Hooray for new foods!

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At June 1, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find that? I have been looking all over for pastina!!!


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