Monday, June 8, 2009

Float On

Yesterday we took the baby back out to the pool again. I can tell he's starting to get used to playing in the pool even though we only go about once a week. He relaxes in the water a lot faster and he's even starting to paddle his feet a little and splash around, which is super cute. Target put these baby pool floaties on sale last week, so we picked one up for him. It's a bit nicer than the ones you just inflate and that can tip over if you're not super careful.

It was also the first time we went out early enough that the pool was in full sun, so he got to wear his stylish baby swim hat! At first, he wasn't too sure what to make about being in this thing. He kept leaning all the way forward, and then he'd get a mouthful of water. Once he relaxed and figured out how to stay upright, he was better. I would hold one end and kick across the short end of the pool, then stand and walk backwards to where I began. On the return trip, when he was going forward, he would paddle his little legs. I guess it must just be instinct to do that.

He played in there for a good 15 minutes before he got fussy and wanted out. We sat him on the steps where he happily splashed for a bit before my husband took him back out again, only carrying him in his arms this time.

Action shot!
So cute!

I ran out of gDiapers due to poor planning on my part earlier this week and didn't feel like running across town to Babies R Us to get more. I ended up just grabbing a pack of Huggies at CVS. (Shameful, I know, but at least I had a coupon) Apparently, Mr. Man has moved up into a size 3 diaper already!!! Holy Moly! I guess he instinctively knew why we were there, and wanted to show his approval because he went on to drop a deuce complete with bright red face, loud loud loud theatrical grunts, and ridiculous facial contortions. SO embarrassing, yet pretty damn funny at the same time.

Never a dull moment!



At June 8, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Blogger Jessica Stoker said...

He looks so cute in his little hat. I love that sweet face.


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