That's me. Just call me Miss Slacker, as that is apparently what I am these days. I can't believe it's already been a week since my last post. I guess I haven't really been doing anything very interesting. Let's see - I did Bubba's ten month photo shoot, but I need to post the photos still. I'll try to get it done here in the next few days. Little man has also learned some big new skills in the past week. Some, I'm very excited about:And some that I'm decidedly NOT excited about:

(climbing. BOO)
(yes, those are all magazines to which I subscribe. That's not even all of them. Hooray for free magazine subscriptions!)
Yesterday I picked up some pretty fabric and got to work making bias strips for binding with this nifty little doohickey:
Tonight we took Bubba out for Chinese. He did really well.
Breakfasts have been so much easier too. Before, I would spoon feed him 4 ounces of plain whole milk yogurt with 4-6 ounces of pureed fruit mixed in. It was kind of messy and took a while. Now, I add a couple of ounces of juice to that mixture, so it thins out a bit, and give it to him in a glass with a straw. It's a baby smoothie! Awesome!
He went to the pediatrician for a weight follow up last Friday. He gained a half pound in the last month, which is good. We've really been working on fattening the boy up! He's been switched to the higher calorie toddler formula, he's getting real butter (not margarine) mixed into his veggies, we've given him a lot more avocadoes lately, there was the introduction of Ritz crackers to take the place of some of the Baby Mum Mums he was eating because they were more caloric... it's hard work! I wish someone would tell me to go gain weight, sheesh! Now he has to have a bottle of Pedia Sure a day, and not only is this stuff stinky as all get out, it's not cheap either. Ah well. He's worth it! :)
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