Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just some Bubba pics

Dad took this one - he was proud that out of all the literally stacks and stacks of magazines under the coffee table, the boy picked the Victoria's Secret catalog to peruse.

This is a very common sight these days, as little man is starting to cruise. You'll be sitting on the couch watching TV, the slowly a little head will pop up from behind the coffee table. Too cute.

We were going out to the mall and I snapped this one. He's like, HEY MOM! Give me the keys, and I'll drive. I'm a big kid now.

Last night we went to Benihana to celebrate my birthday. The kid's menus are printed to look like chef hats on the back. It was too big for his head, but luckily the manager had some scotch tape, ha ha!

Yes, he was picking his nose, much to the amusement of everyone at our table and the waitress.

Our "official" group photo. Gotta love that baby belly!


At August 18, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Blogger Jessica Stoker said...

Wow your little man is turning into a boy! I love the hat and the victoria secret, is so funny!

At August 22, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Blogger Mark, Shannon,Trey, Boston, & Lola said...

The hat is so cute!!!!!!


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