Friday, August 28, 2009

Ten Months

I can't believe that this child is almost going to be a year old! He's getting LONG.

Yup, he's in a disposable diaper this month. All the cloth ones were in the wash. I'm a wee teensy bit embarrased to post these, ha ha!

This month we have quit using the bottle - it's all sippy cup, all the time. He also knows how to use a straw now, and can drink straight from a glass. He's more talkative and has added mamama and yayaya to his verbal repetoire. We're still waiting on dadada! If you tell him "Gimme five!" he will do it about half the time. He waves goodbye sometimes. He stopped giving kisses but loves getting them. If you say "Can I have that please?" he will usually hand you what he has in his hands. He is definitely cruising like a champ around furniture and has finally figured out how to navigate around the corners on the coffee table. He can climb some low things, like my magazine basket, and is working diligently on getting up on the couch.

He is up to 17 lbs, 7 oz as of his pediatrician visit last Friday.

Everybody, stand back!

Back up, Uglydoll! It's me they came to see!

This month was "lets see how many different facial expressions Bubba can make for the camera" month.

He's started grinding his teeth. Short of shoving a binky in his mouth every time he starts, I can't figure how to get him to stop.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, it's on the tip of my tongue, just give me a second...

Yup, that's a foot.

Again with the teeth!

He has a few favorite toys. He kept crawling over to the box and pulling things out, so I took his pictures with a few.

Rhythm bells. Just as good for chewing as they are for keeping the beat.

A little wooden car. Actually, he's more into messing with the tires than rolling it on the ground. I think he's going to be one of those kids that takes stuff apart all the time.

Maracas. He likes music. :) We went to see a band play at a local restaurant after my husband's Peter Pan football draft last weekend and he LOVED it. We were sitting pretty close to the stage but he didn't get freaked out by the loudness of it all like most babies would. He sat and stared and even shook his head a bit.

Susan gave him this stuffed lion, and he got the bandana in a goody bag at a birthday party. He will cover the lion with the bandana, then whip it off to find him again. Once the lion has been found, he picks it up, rubs his face against it, plops it back down on the other side of himself, and covers it with the bandana again. Kind of like his own little version of hide and seek or peek a boo.

The binky spends as much time, if not more, being used as a chew toy or being banged against something as it does being used as a binky.

I tried to take a cute photo of us together. This is what they all looked like.

He's getting a LOT better at standing.

He barely even has to hold on to you because his sense of balance has improved so much.

He's getting so BIG!!!

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