Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby's First Bath, v2.0

Yesterday, Sawyer got his first bath. Yes, he's over three weeks old and I know, it's shameful to have gone that long without one. I have wiped him down with a baby washcloth, and I've used baby wipes on him in a pinch, but the mini sponge baths couldn't last forever. His hair was starting to smell like actual dirty hair, which is kinda gross considering he's just a baby.

It's just that when I was getting ready to be discharged from the hospital and the nurse was going over how to "properly" bathe the baby, it totally freaked me out. First of all, she devoted a grand minute and a half to the instructions, which included putting a towel in the dryer beforehand to keep the baby warm. Then there was something about them being very slippery, do it in the sink, hold them like a football in your armpit, keep the parts you're not washing covered in a warm towel, which should be different from the warm towel you plan to dry the child with... yeah. Way to confuse and intimidate a first time mom who is already freaked out by the whole baby thing.

Luckily, thank goodness, my friend Susan offered to come over and show me how to give him a bath. I like to think I'm reasonably intelligent and able bodied, but I was scared to drop him or give him pneumonia or something like that. Also, that whole bathing in the kitchen sink business? It sounds great in theory, but what if he decided to POO??? In the KITCHEN SINK??? There isn't enough bleach in the world, my friends.

So, she recommended a tub, which I promptly ran out and bought. We set it on the kitchen counter and she gave that angry little man his very first bath. There was no dryer involved, no football hold, no parts being kept covered while not actively being washed... just a baby getting a bath, a lot of crying (shocker, I know) and maybe a little fountain of pee for fun.

You know what else was missing? MY CAMERA!!! That's right, I totally forgot to take pictures of Sawyer's first bath! And I call myself a scrapbooker. I'll admit, I was a little bit bummed about that, but what could I do now? It was over and done with. I posted on my blog about how I felt like a total dummy and disgrace to my "Scrapbooker" title because now I had no photos to do a "first bath" layout for his baby book. Later that day, Susan emailed me and said she'd come over so that I could give him a bath myself and we'd get pictures this time. Isn't she awesome? So technically, this is Sawyer's mama's first bath. Well, not MY first bath, but my first time bathing a baby. Any baby. Most importantly, my baby.

The little man was not sure at first about doing this bath thing again.

Then he remembered: oh yeah, I didn't like this!

Then he was distracted by mom's bad hair. I swear it didn't look as bad in real life as this photo or the expression on my son's face makes it look.

Getting shampooed:

I bought this lavender scented baby shampoo that seriously smells good enough for me to consider using it on my own hair. I probably won't, but I'll admit I thought about it. I have the matching scented baby wash cloths too.

See, the child doesn't deal well with change. You undress him and stick him in the tub - he complains until he gets used to it. Then he's happy. You pull him out and wrap him in a towel, and he complains again. Give him a minute to get used to it...

Okay, maybe two minutes!

Then he's all sweetness and light. Not to mention he now smells super yummy and all you want to do is hold him and sniff is little head. Add in that awesome baby-lotion-in-the-pink-bottle scent, and oh man...
A mom could get used to this.



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