Baby pictures!
You know you wanna see 'em!I got this cute little hand crocheted hat with a set of matching booties in the mail:
I think that the dog is jealous.
We spend a lot of time hanging out together on the couch. Check out those chubby little cheeks!
This is my new favorite baby picture:
I know that babies this little aren't really smiling because they're happy. A lot of people will tell you it's just gas. I don't really care what anyone thinks. That little mouth is curved upwards in a SMILE people, scrunched up little nose and all. He looks like his daddy here. My mother in law took this photo one day while I was napping. Since her camera uses an SD card just like mine, I was able to snag copies of her photos right onto my laptop.
Technology kicks butt.
Here is another new favorite, again, off of my mother in law's camera. My husband was holding Sawyer, probably after a feeding (again, I was probably asleep, the Percocets are kicking my butt lately). I love the expression on the baby's face. He's so stinking cute I can barely stand it sometimes! He's just so tiny and sweet.
Here's Bubba snuggling with grandma on the couch. She flew in last Thursday from Seattle and stayed here with us until today. That child did not smile for us at all until Grandma came to town, and then he was just grinning left and right! What is it about grandmas that gives them the magic touch like that?
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