My First Hospital Visit!
You know what's really cool?That's right, I'm blogging from my hospital bed. How flipping cool is that?
I was scheduled to come in for my induction at three pm today, but I got a call this morning that the hospital was full, and they'd just let me know when I could come in. I decided to take a nap at about four, since I woke up at 5 am again today. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, my phone rang and they told me to come on in within the next hour. I was also told to have a snack first.
Well, my husband slacked off on showering, and chose THAT MOMENT to need a shower, so we barely made it there in an hour, considering it was rush hour too, so no stopping for a snack for me. I was thinking, hey, not too big of a deal, the doctor said that there were two different drugs, and I would be able to eat and walk around during the first one.
Well, guess what?
Turns out, I was 70% effaced already, so I didn't NEED that first one, and we could just go strait to Pitocin. That means NO food, NO water, JUST ice chips. Freaking LAME. And it smells like fried chicken in here. I don't know if it's a real smell or I'm imagining it, but it's making me HUNGRY.
Then when it came time to start the IV, my veins wouldn't cooperate. It took four tries in different locations, including digging with the needle each time, in order to draw blood and get the thing started. I have really good, strong veins too, but for whatever reason they'd either disappear once I got stuck, or they'd continuously roll out of the way of the needle. I have a big ol' internal bruise on my arm now that is just this hard lump of OW.
Good news is, the IV is in and the drugs have started to work. I'm having contractions, harder and closer together now. It's kinda cool to watch them on the monitor, and also to hear the baby kick and see how he responds to them.
By my next post, I'll be a mom. Whoa.
Labels: progress
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