My child - He is Expressive!
First off - how the HECK did it get to be October 30th already??? Holy crap! This month totally flew right by.Realizing that today was the 30th, I dug out this onesie I picked up for a mere four bucks back in June at Pottery Barn Kids. Gotta love a deal! It was a little big still, but not too bad. I figure, he wore it once, I wash it, and maybe get my four bucks back by reselling it on ebay or on consignment next year.
That's my boy!
He makes the best little faces when he's getting ready to go to sleep. We like to sit here and venture to wonder what smart alecky things he may be thinking according to his expressions. We're exciting like that.
Of all his facial expressions though, the one we get treated to the most is the scowl. He has many variations, but they're all pretty dang hysterical. I caught this one right after my husband had just finished giving him a bottle. He fell asleep a few minutes later. Usually he's awake after a feeding, but since he only slept 20 minutes after the last feeding/waketime, I guess he was extra tired.
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