The Zoo... Again!
Today Bubba and I met up with an old friend at the zoo. Yup, the zoo for the second time in a week and a half. I've officially gone more often than I did in the last decade, I think. Hooray for awesome aunties who give little boys memberships! Of course, we didn't stop to think that today was a freaking holiday and that perhaps everyone and their mother was going to be there. I knew I was in trouble when I was running a few minutes behind and then saw a giant sign that said ZOO PARKING FULL - NEXT RIGHT FOR PARKING. Um, yeah, I didn't think so. Not only were they charging $5 for that lot (the zoo lot is free) but it was about a 1/2 mile hike from there to the front entrance to the zoo. I took my chances with the zoo lot, and managed to find parking in a far aisle.
Of course, I couldn't call my friend and let her know why I was late because I forgot my cell phone at home. Of course. Luckily the nice guy in the gift shop let me use their phone, which I used to call my husband (the only phone number I have memorized besides my own) who called my friend and told her where I was. I swear I have some serious talent some days.
My friend and I used to work together like a decade ago for GM doing roadside assistance in a call center. She actually is the one who introduced me to my husband. Bubba is five months older than her daughter. Aren't they cute?
You do get strict instructions to not touch the monkeys and also to wash your hands when you leave because, as the worker said, "Monkeys pee on everything."
That's right. I called my child a turd. Hey, if the shoe fits, you know?
We had to beat a hasty retreat, which led to a full blown tantrum by the time we made it to the car. Today, my kid was THAT kid. Ugh. So embarrassing. At least he slept all the way home, which was probably the problem in the first place.
Oh! I wanted to share this picture we got at the zoo.
It was taken with one of these.
Okay, so I will admit I never have been a fan of Polaroids (except fake ones on my phone, hooray Shake It Photo and Instagram!) but I am so smitten with the tiny pictures this thing spits out. They're like the cutest things EVER!!! I need to find a way to make some extra $$$ so I can buy myself one.

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