Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Day at the "Patch"

Today, we took the boy to pick out a pumpkin for our jack 'o lantern.

One of the moms in our playgroup posted photos of her two boys in these adorable bow ties last week. She made the observation that while moms of little girls get all sorts of cute things like tutus and oversized hair decorations, moms of boys pretty much get robbed in the cute department. She set out to find some cute thing (besides hats, of course) for her boys and came across this pattern for bow ties. I just loved them and she was nice enough to help me make one for Bubba.

Nothing says "Autumn" like Palm Trees and Pumpkins!

As you can see, around here pumpkin patches are just bunches of pallets full of pumpkins that have been trucked in from somewhere. Most of them are in the parking lots of various stores (and are later converted to Christmas tree lots) but this one was on the front lawn of a nearby church.

They had wagons there for you to load up with your selections. Bubba was a fan.

They had this bean bag toss which he also loved. It looks like we have a future cornhole champ on our hands!

You like my snazzy new houndstooth scarf? Just two dollars at the Goodwill, baby! It wasn't cold enough to actually wear one though. I just put it on for the photo and then carried it in my purse because I'm a cheater. I think it was over 80 degrees today.

We stopped off by his godparent's house to visit them before we headed home. They were nice enough to lend us carving tools when I mentioned we were going to stop and buy some on the way home.

His job was to put the seeds in the bowl.

He tried scraping the pumpkin but decided he did not like the way the guts felt on his hands.

The finished creations! Yeah... the one on the right was supposed to be a cat but ended up looking like a raccoon. Whoops.

I set them out on the steps. I found some fake votives at the Dollar Tree. They even flicker like a real candle. There were two in a package for just a dollar! Gotta love that, and also, gotta love knowing I'm not going to set the building on fire, you know?


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