Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby No More

Today, my baby turns two. How on earth did he go from this:

to this:

so quickly?

I love this child so much (more than butter and bacon and cake COMBINED, yo) and I'm so blessed to have him in our lives. I asked him the other day who said he could get so big, and he replied, "ME!" while giving me a smug little grin.

We opted to not do the big birthday party this year and instead spent the day with our oldest and closest friends, just hanging out and watching football. The boy showed off by raising his arms in the air and shouting "TOUCHDOWN!!!" every time someone scored and we all had cupcakes and brats and watched him open presents and it was good.

Thank you God, for all of these blessings, of friends, of family, of love, of cupcakes, and everything that is simple and good and even not so simple and good. But, especially, thank you for this little boy, who, even though he cannot technically be called a baby any longer, will always be my baby.


At October 18, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Blogger Jessica Stoker said...

The last picture is classic. Good job at taking off his shirt first mom.


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