It only took two years
But the Fehlings have finally gotten around to taking our off spring to the Phoenix Zoo. Of course it wouldn'tt have been possible without the generous gift of a Zoo Membership from my sister in law. My mother in law was in town for a visit this weekend so she came with us to be part of this experience. The first thing we saw were wallabys. There's a giant stone one outside of he enclosure that has a large belly pouch where kids can play and pose for photos.

Then we got to go inside the enclosure with them. A simple rope was hung to show how far you could go, but really, you would be about 2 feet from them. I thought that was pretty dang cool.

The zoo has some Koala bears on loan from the San Diego zoo. They look so very soft, and so ver bored.

Some little monkey showing off his business. Scandal at the zoo!!!

Dirty Beetles. I'm telling you people, it's an epidemic.

We came across some life sized animal sculptures that were fun for photos.

Babboon flea baths/snacktime. Ew.

Over in the kid's area Bubba got to ride a tractor.

He tried on some saddles.

He doesn't seem particularly impressed.

I have a photo of myself with this stone frog.

Big ass parrots are exciting!

The tiger hopped on that rock and started to mug for the camera.

They have a platform you can climb to see the giraffes from their height. Bubba was in love with all the steps.

Uncooperative giraffes, uncooperative Blogger.

Resting finally after a long day of walking!
Wow you got some great pictures. Looks like all the animals were out for your outing. We went on Tuesday and the animals were being very stubborn. :)
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