Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Sentence

I've been suspecting that the boy spends way too much time surrounded by little dogs. Yesterday, this is where he chose to take his nap:

That's right, he grabbed his Boppy, dragged it into the freaking doorway, and curled up for a nap. Completely in the way and completely underfoot, just like certain other little dogs that I know. The next clue came this morning, in the form of his official first sentence: "BAD DOG!!!"

Um, yeah.

I guess I yell at my dogs a lot. He's been going around the past couple weeks yelling "BAD!!!" at them and if he could get close enough, smacking them on their behinds. It's pretty funny. I of course have to try not to laugh and remember to tell him to be nice to the dogs. Gotta be setting the good example, right? I just about died laughing though when I heard his cute little voice admonishing them this morning.

Today was all about the groceries. I went three days without eating anything processed, with the exception of some organic cheese tortellini that I fixed for lunch yesterday. I'm not about to make tortellini from scratch anytime soon. I tossed the pasta with some of my leftover tomato sauce and peas. It was the best meal the boy ate all week! He's been really picky lately, boo toddler eating habits.

Anyway, last night I heard that it was the last night for Dairy Queen's buy one get one for 25 cents Blizzard deal. I haven't had a Blizzard in AGES, probably since I was pregnant, so we decided to go. Let's just say that your body must get used to clean eating really fast, because I paid for that Blizzard and all of it's processed, artificially flavored goodness with a killer stomachache. Lesson learned - hopefully.


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