Happy Easter!
Herod couldn't kill him,
Death couldn't handle him
and the grave couldn't hold him -
Thats MY King!
I had grand plans of getting dressed up, going to church, and then coming home to have the baby look for eggs in the courtyard. This is one of those days that people traditionally spend with family, but seeing as we have no family locally (or none with whom I care to spend the day, anyway) there were no plans for a big meal. Two people can only eat so much ham, as we learned last Christmas! It didn't matter though - we were going to do our own little family thing, and that was good.
Unfortunately, yesterday my husband woke up, and for lack of a more accurate term, he sounded like ass. Seriously. The man could barely speak, he was coughing, he was blowing his nose every five minutes (which, we discovered, some baby thinks is hysterically funny)... it was pretty bad. Luckily he's not one of those guys who gets all whiny when he's sick. He leaves those theatrics to me. :)
Then, to make matters worse, the baby started to cough last night. Just a little here and there, so I really didn't think anything of it. I thought he felt a little bit warm, but the windows were open and I was cold, so I wasn't sure. My husband took his temperature and the verdict was in: 100.9. He was officially sick.
With two sick boys in the house, it's pretty much just a matter of time before I start showing symptoms. Since 90% of the congregation at our church is retired and elderly (at least it seems that way) there is no way I'm going to risk infecting anyone if I am indeed carrying the bug already. So, we stay home. Boo.
I refused to let last week's purchase of Easter clothes go unenjoyed though.
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