Weekend (PLUS!) Update
Today, you get lovely iPhone photos because SOME blogger can't be bothered to carry her camera lately. For shame, right?Wednesday:
This past week the boy has been in a really grouchy mood. There doesn't seem to be any reason for it - he has all his front teeth and premolars. The two year molars won't be here for a while. He's not sick. He's well fed. He just wakes up screaming, rolls out of bed screaming, walks around screaming, and stands at the front door screaming. It's really quite irritating!
I just don't get it. What I do know is that the surefire way to get him to stop screaming at me is to take him outside. Luckily there is a park right door to our apartment complex and we can walk there in just a few minutes. I can see the gate from my window - it's just across the courtyard.
I went for a run again and managed to make it all the way through day one of Couch to 5k! There was one segment in the middle where I was supposed to run, and I walked instead, but other than that, I made it! I wasn't hurting QUITE as bad as I was on Tuesday, but I was still feeling pretty rough.
We stopped at the playground afterward on the way home and actually met another stay at home mom from our neighborhood and her son there that day. (of course I meet new people when I resemble a poop sandwich!) Her son is four days older than Bubba, a little bit smaller, but a few pounds heavier. How lucky is that? It was so cute watching them play together on the equipment, and we were able to chat. We exchanged phone numbers so that we could get together again for more play dates.
Thanks to her, I also discovered that my son is way into buckets. Her son had a plastic pail that he wasn't playing with. Bubba was carrying it around and loading it with pine cones and rocks. He's going to be a natural at this Easter egg thing! HA!
We were going to go to the Festival of the Arts in downtown Tempe, but as we were driving there I saw on my Twitter feed that there was something called Worldfest celebrating Phoenix's sister cities happening. Since 90% of the vendors at the art festival are repeats, we decided to skip it and do Worldfest instead.
No photos today! It was Palm Sunday, and since my RCIA class was going to be attending mass together (meaning I was at Church for a shorter amount of time overall today) I had my husband and the baby tag along. The baby's soon to be godfather came too, along with Susan and her family. It's so nice to be able to go to church with friends!
Since the service was a bit longer than usual, we dropped Bubba off in the nursery. This is the only the second time we've left him with someone else, and the first time that it was not someone he knew already. I'm happy to say he did great! They said he didn't cry at all and he played with cars most of the time. He got an animal cracker (it was even organic :) and got along with the other kids. I'm so glad, because I did worry about that.
After church we went out for Greek food with the godparents. It was good to get to sit and hang out and chat for a while. The boy was in a pretty good mood too considering that we had gotten him up so much earlier than usual and he was clearly getting tired. He ate macaroni and cheese, a couple of my fries, and even got to try ketchup for the first time. He loved it. GAG.
We popped into a mall on the way home to pick out something for the boy to wear on Easter Sunday. I ended up getting a green and white button down shirt that will go great with his green Chuck Taylors that we bought on clearance before St. Patrick's Day, and the cutest little dark brown bow tie with little dogs on it. It's super preppy. I'm looking forward to it!
Tomorrow I will be going for another run, but for now I'm off to bed!
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