Bubba Loot
Of course we bought stuff for Sawyer while we were on vacation! What kind of first time parents would we be if we didn't bring him back some presents? Of course, top of the list of musts was a visit to the Seahawk Pro Shop to buy a baby jersey onesie. Unfortunately, the smallest size they stock is 12 months, so we had to settle for a warm up outfit. Next year, we'll definitely be getting the jersey!While we were out shopping with my mother in law (yes, we shop a LOT while up there!) we found a really cool maternity shop that had a great selection of things I'd only been able to find online previously. That means, no shipping! Kick butt. I found a Hotsling, not only in the pattern that I'd been wanting, but in my size too. I also picked up a pair of the flame patterned Baby Legs. I wish they would have had the matching hat too, but oh well.
We also got a few books. We got Good Night Seattle, which is kinda like Goodnight Moon, but it says good night to different places around the city. Very cute. We also found this alphabet book based on some paintings that we saw at an art shop near the "center of the universe". Finally, a fun picture book that my mother in law picked up for us. You just can't hate adding to your book collection.
So anyway, that's part of why we shop so much. We don't necessarily BUY a lot, but there are so many fun things to see, and they kinda coincide with the vibe of whatever neighborhood we're visiting at the time. This little shop was in a more upscale area, so they had a lot of Petit Bateau and similar stuff there - totally not my style. However...

How could I resist this? I only have the three elastic bottom gowns I bought before, so I figured a fourth would be okay. Bonus - super sweet little frog pattern, flip end sleeves to protect sleeping faces, and check out the buttons on the bottom - you can turn the gown bottom into pant leg bottoms! How clever is that?
They also had the matching hat and booties, but that's too matchy-matchy even for me, so I was able to leave those behind.
I also managed to squeeze in a trip to the fantastic yarn shop down the street from my mother in law's house. I just had to show the girl there the yarn I was using for the baby blanket (which, admittedly, I did buy there, but it was over two years ago!) and she knew exactly the brand and type and was able to help me find a coordinating color:
I also was able to get my stash of baby scrap stuff expanded:
Finally (are you tired yet?) a visit to Seattle isn't complete until you visit at least one of the Impress locations. I was incredibly well behaved. Wanting to save your money for baby stuff will do that to a girl.
I got a "to go" cup stamp, some blue fun flock, and some velvet brads that I know will be perfect on boy pages. They may not have very many scrapbook stores in Seattle, or very good ones (compared to here) but the stamp store selection is stellar.
I bought some other odds and ends (we always bring back a lot of snack food, hmm) but this is all the baby related stuff.
Labels: shopping
I love the name Sawyer...I so wanted to use that but it didn't go well with our last name. Looks like you made quite a haul in baby gear!
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