Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Baby Bibs

I went to a baby shower a few months back, and one of the games they had involved using puff paint to decorate plain bibs. I think that had to be my favorite baby shower activity of all time! I can see why it wouldn't work for most people, seeing as how many folks can't draw a straight line with a pencil, let alone something as fussy as puff paint, but I had the best time making those bibs.

Now, here I find myself with the perfect excuse to get to do it again! I bought a bunch of plain bibs and a few bottles of puff paint. That's what I've been doing for the past few days to entertain myself. At first, I was just putting silly sayings on them. You can tell I hadn't really found my groove yet, as the sizing of my letters and some of my spacing was off.

Then, when I started to get the hang of it, I ventured into new fonts, and even drawing small pictures.

But this one is my FAVORITE so far!

For some reason, blogger keeps turning this sideways. I did not photograph it that way, and I can't figure out how to rotate it back! GRRRR. Just, uh, tilt your head to the left a bit, okay?

These are all drawn freehand, no patterns, just me goofing off and trying whatever popped into my head. I have a gift exchange coming up on my mommy board, and the person I'm buying for is having a girl. I made some for her too since there were some pink ones in one package:

The princess one is my favorite one of this bunch.

I have more, but they're still drying and I'd hate to smudge them. I'll post those later.


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