The iPhone Photo Post
This blogger has been SLACKING, y'all. I can't believe it's been a week since my last post! That's ridiculous! I'm sure you're probably all really tired of hearing this from everyone lately, but this girl's been busy. I've been going and going all day and into the not wee anymore hours of the morning. I have seen the sun rise more than a couple of times this past week.
The baby is getting his back teeth/molars and they STINK. They take forever to come in, they make him cranky as heck, and they messed up our sleep routine. All of a sudden this kid wants to wake up at three in morning and play after he gets over his initial anger at the world. Luckily he is not one of those kids that wakes up at 6 am no matter what, so we've been sleeping in REALLY late to make up for those nights. This is both a blessing and a curse, because now I don't know how much of this messed up schedule is teething related and how much is "we slept until almost 2 today" related.
One of the things I've been working on is fabric related. I can't really say what it is because it may or may not be a gift for someone who may or may not read this blog, but my husband and I scoured several places one night in search of the perfect fabrics. This is what we have so far:
I've finished up a couple more December Daily books. I have not yet made my own, but I do have all the papers picked out at least. I was going to put up the tree on the first, so that would be the first day in my book, but then I managed to convince the apartment manager that our carpet was tragic past the point of redemption, so they're going to replace it next week. I am excited for new carpet, but dreading having to pack up all the furniture and books from there and find places to stash them until it's done. We have a lot of stuff bolted to the walls in here!!!
It's finally starting to get cold-ish around here, which means that we have to bust out the warm stuff like flannel jammies:
and knit hats...
Speaking of hair...
We just want to get it evened out so the rest of his hair has a chance to catch up.
Finally, I leave you with this:
Technically it doesn't fit in with my iPhone photos, but I just had to post it or I would never get around to it! Bubba's actually been taking steps here and there since the 16th of October, just a few days shy of his first birthday. He would take one or two here or there, but I didn't really count that as "walking," just taking steps. I don't want to be one of those moms who overexaggerates her child's milestones, but I still want to give the kid credit where credit is due!
(sidenote - random pet peeve: moms who are all like, MY kid says 10 words. No, your kid makes ten sounds that you can interpret. When your kid is actually talking, then EVERYONE will understand, not just you.)
Finally, on November 10th, he all of a sudden decided to just go for it and took about eight steps to walk across from the TV to me in front of the couch! I was so excited! Now he's constantly toddling about the apartment, always with his arms up for balance. He sort of looks like a really really cute but drunk baby orangutan! HA! It's been nearly impossible to get a video though, because the second he sees the camera he gets really excited, falls, then speed crawls over so he can play with it. I think I shot about ten videos on the day I got this one before I got one I could use.
The best part about him walking is that now he picks up stuff like books and brings them over to me so we can play together. I know... heart melting, right? MAN I sure do like this baby!
Labels: milestones
I'm glad to see my little James isn't the only one with funny hair issues. Your little guy is soooo adorable! Congrats on the walking, too. His little hands in the air are so cute. :)
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