Happy Thanksgiving!
I really stunk at posting stuff here in November! Since I probably won't post again before Thanksgiving (but you never know) I'll put this up here now.
Anywho... After the handprints dried I would give him a few feathers and let him place them on the turkey. Anywhere he placed a feather I would pick it up and put a little glue there so I could glue it back down again. In this way, he got to place them, but he didn't get to mess with the glue. After they were dry I went back with some markers and a pen to add the details. Then the cardstock got cropped down, punched across the bottom with a Fiskars Apron Lace punch (the latest addition to my little family of punches) and embellished with a bit of ribbon before getting added to a card. One of these will definitely be going into his scrapbook!
I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving!
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