Christmas Visit, day three
We got a pretty late start on this day. Everyone came over and I made omelettes with ham, sautéed mushrooms, and caramelized onions. We also added some of this awesome Black Diamond super sharp white cheddar that my mother in law found at Whole Foods. I hear they were good! I had tamales - didn't want them to go to waste!
After brunch, we played with the baby for a while and then he went down for a nap. Everyone decided they wanted to see a movie. I don't really care to go to the movies - I still can't get over what they cost after seeing so many for free while working there, and I hate feeling trapped in my seat because you don't want to miss something important. You end up having to choose if you want to catch it all or if you want to go pee and just be SOL on a major plot point. I generally wait to see stuff on dvd for those reasons. I told everyone to go ahead and I'd stay home with the baby. I got partially caught up on my blog reader and just hung out. It was kind of nice.
It was also a good thing they all went to the movies - that baby fell asleep 15 minutes before they left and woke up 5 minutes after they returned! They had even stopped at the store to pick up some stuff for dinner after the movie too! I guess he was just worn out from all the excitement of the previous few days.
Speaking of dinner...
My mother in law (who totally encourages my love of all things kitchen related) got me the pasta roller attachments for my KitchenAid mixer!
I'm having visions of becoming a pasta queen here in 2010, I tell ya!
After dinner, we drove over to the LDS temple in Mesa. They set up a gorgeous light display every year for Christmas.
After we got home, it was time to say our goodbyes because everyone was leaving bright and early in the morning and we wouldn't get to see them again before that. It didn't take the baby long to realize that the nice people who picked him up whenever he demanded it were gone and he was left with just his mean old parents who liked to tell him "NO!" Poor kid. He had a total meltdown after about half an hour of attempting to climb our legs later that night. My husband finally calmed him down with some Charlie Brown on his iPod.
Needless to say, I'm not happy about that. Lame, Costco, LAME.
Anyhow, that was our Christmas with the Family! Sorry to end on that downer note. :)
Are you LDS? We love the temple lights too.
No, I'm Catholic. I did go to Seminary every day during lunchtime for a year in high school though, LOL!
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