New baby gear in the house!
Today my husband's team from work took us out to lunch. We went to Macaroni Grill, and it was SO good. We're really lucky that not only does he have a good job, but he works with good people too. I guess that's how he's managed to stay there so long.It was a Congratulations on your New Critter kinda party, so there was cake and presents! Who doesn't like cake and presents? The group bought us this:

We also got this:
My husband's boss also got some of the cutest little outfits, including teeny little striped socks. There was also another hooded towel in there, which I'm sure will come in handy, and a little blue dog on a clip for Sawyer to pull.
I think I'll make them some cupcakes or a cake or something to thank them. Maybe cookies? We'll see what I'm in the mood to do tomorrow.
This past weekend, we finally got around to buying our carseat. The one we picked out is pretty, without being girly. It's dark gray, so it matches our pretty new SUV's interior. It has details in "my" shade of green. It has a headrest and a little snuggly foot cover. It's perfect!
Unfortunately, apparently everyone else thought so too! W e got to Babies R Us and while they had stacks and stacks of boxes containing every other model of carseat they carried, the ONE that was completely sold out was... the one we wanted. Of course. We had the nice sales associate call around, and ended up having to drive out to flipping AJ to buy one. We got a little mirror to hang on the headrest while we were at it.
In resisting putting together the swing, I caved and cracked open the carseat box. I'm reading the owner's manual. I played with it, the snaps and the canopy and the handle. I checked out the leveler on the side. I pulled the "cold weather boot" on and off. I practiced walking around with it. It seemed a little unwieldy, but not too bad. My husband pointed out it would be heavier with a baby inside.
Oh yeah huh. What did I have laying around that was baby sized?
Don't worry, she just had a bath and is pretty clean, I SWEAR. She's also a really good sport and let me carry her around for a minute. The verdict - holy freaking CRAP was it heavy! We'll definitely be getting that stroller frame for this bad boy! Even my husband thought it was heavy.
Next I think I'll use her as a stand-in to practice with the Hotsling.
Labels: shopping
Oh your dog is so cute. How adorable is this picture? I love it.
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