22 Weeks and a Nursery Update
Everyone keeps asking, are you SURE it's not twins???What am I growing in here? Could Sawyer end up being an offensive lineman after all?
In other news, we worked on the nursery some more.
I've had to make some minor changes to my plan though. The border/chair rail combo is a little wider than I thought, and I had to hang it a bit higher due to the light switch, so if I hang the two photos on the wall they'll be too high and it will look funny. Instead, I'm going to nix the lamp (don't really need it, it was just cute) and put one photo on the table. I also found some papier mache letters in a nice font at JoAnn that I'm going to decorate to hang on the wall. I just need to pick papers.
Here's the bookshelf with the curtain next to it. The rod and the finials are from Ikea as well.
I made a little bulletin board to hang cards for the baby. We looked around for one, but other than a Hannah Montana one at Target, there were no upholstered French memo boards to be found! Instead, I picked up a four foot pine plank at Home Depot ($5) and had the guy there saw it in half for me. I bought a half yard each of blue fabric with pale yellow stars and plain batting at Walmart ($3.50 for both) and a spool of green ribbon ($2). I covered the board with the batting and the fabric using a staple gun, added the ribbon, and some buttons that I already had in my scrapping stash, using a hot glue gun. To hang it, I put two eye screws in the back (also in the stash) and twisted some wire through (okay, my crafting stash is HUGE).
This project cost me about $10, and I still have the other piece of the board so I could make another one if I wanted.
While we were at Babies R Us picking up the border, we happened to see this adorable blanket, and I HAD to get it. It wasn't even an option to pass it by, seriously:
Someone on Justmommies posted these a week or two ago, and I knew I had to get a pair. They are just too freaking adorable! I looked at a few other Targets before coming across these yesterday. They were the only ones there too. SCORE!
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