Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Someone told me once that the sound Bruce Lee made in his movies when he was in a fight could literally be translated into "I Kick." You know who else kicks?

My son. Yeah, the one in my belly.

This wasn't a "maybe", or an "I think". This was so definite! I was about to get into the shower a little while ago when I placed both of my palms on either side of my stomach. I was rewarded with a sensation that felt like someone flicking my left palm from the inside of me, and we all know, there's only one person in there!

I'm so excited! I felt my baby and he kicked me! You know, I didn't tear up when I saw the ultrasounds, either time, and I didn't do it when I heard his heartbeat for the first time either. Don't get me wrong, I was in awe that there was someone growing in me, and it was like nothing I've ever experienced before, but I'm not a sentimental mushy girl. I don't cry at commercials. My hormones apparently don't work that way. (I've only cried so far because of food, and I wish I wasn't making that up!)

But this? I can't even describe the pure elation that little flick to my palm made me feel. I teared up, I laughed, I felt for an encore, but none were to be had. That's okay though, because I've been waiting for that flick since I found out he was in there last February.




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