My lovely baby lump!
Pop quiz:How much weight have I gained so far? I'm twelve weeks along. Here's a photo of my gut to help.
Here's what it looks like when I look down:
Other visit highlights:
*after living on this earth for 30 years and 7 months, I finally learned my blood type for the first time(A positive, for reference here, in case I forget)
*I'm completely healthy - good blood pressure, immune to what I'm supposed to be immune to, no STDs (not even HPV), not anemic
*Baby's doing good - growing, ultrasound was good, right on track, heartbeat 170 bpm
Oh yeah, that's right... the baby's heartbeat, which I heard today, for the first time! What a freaking amazing feeling, to hear your child's heartbeat for the first time. To know that you're making an entire new person INSIDE of you. I know you hear people say it all the time, but seriously, it's nothing like hearing your own for the first time. To say it filled me with a sense of awe would be an understatement.
I don't get to see the baby's gender until the appointment after next... that seems sooooo far!!! I wanna KNOW dang it!
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